IEEE Sensors Summer School
IEEE Sensors Council invites you to join the 2nd Edition of its Summer School Series at the University of Limerick, Ireland from the 26th – 30th June 2017. Continuing the multi-disciplinary nature of last year’s hugely successful Summer School, this School will focus its attention on Optical Fibre Sensors. The School will feature a mix of Lectures, Keynote Talks and Poster Sessions together with a number of networking opportunities for students to engage further with the lecturers. Keynote lecturers include Prof. Michel Digonnet, Stanford University; Prof. Francis Berghmans, Vrije Universiteit Brussels; Prof. Brian Culshaw, University of Strathclyde; Prof. Andrea Cusano, University of Sannio, and Prof. Sile Nic Chormaic, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, with more to be confirmed.